
Meditation in combination with soft instrumental music in the background or raga alap while doing meditation can be termed Music Meditation. Nowadays, lakhs of masters are enjoying the great benefits of music meditation.

Music as a healing support:

Music has a healing effect on the human body, mind, and soul. The harmonious relationship between the musical notes and the rhythmic patterns helps in balancing the mind, which in turn, helps the meditator to easily focus on his natural breathing. The external noises in the environment generally become a barrier while doing meditation. To combat that noise we need soft and soothing sounds which influence our mind, nervous system, and the internal organs in our body, then the person can easily go deep into meditation. Music creates healthy vibrations in the environment.

Music for peace:

Music and Meditation go hand in hand. “sAdhana” is the utmost important factor in understanding and performing both the acts. Now-a-days, Music Therapy has become an established Health Profession. Music and right meditation have become a part of curing long-term illnesses. Bedridden patients, who are suffering from severe illness, are strictly advised to listen to soft instrumental music and meditate daily for hours together. It is always recommended to have soft background music at home, while children playing or in any other gatherings. The younger generation should learn the science of music & meditation and should take up their careers related to the enlightenment path.


Music for better concentration:

Music majorly affects the emotional part of the person who sits in music meditation. In the initial stages, he gets carried away by music rather than focusing on natural breathing. Then music helps in cleansing the emotional blocks in him and slowly helps to get a relaxed position. Later, he can easily focus on the natural flow of breath and gets an empty state of mind. That’s the state where he starts enjoying the fruits of meditation, in which music flows as an aid in the background by encouraging him in whatever he is experiencing. The selection of genres of music is also very important. Indian classical music is a wonderful genre and helps in going to very deeper levels in meditation.

Music as a tool for enlightenment:

The music itself is a very vast and unending subject. There are many facts that the highly accomplished musicians attained a different state and saw many visions while singing or playing music. That happens only when they become one with the music. The well-known Indian Karnatic music composer Sri Tyagaraja says “nAda lOludai brahmAnanda mondave manasa” (O manasa, attain the eternal happiness by enjoying and becoming one with music). So everybody should learn music and meditation. After entering into the spiritual path through meditation, those who had a childhood passion to sing should definitely start learning music. It mainly helps them in their counseling sessions. Singing helps in activating the Visudha Chakra, thus helping in reducing many health problems. Thus, Music has a very important role to connect in deeper levels in meditation as well as in daily life.

In this context, we need to pay our higher tributes to the Great Music Composers and the Great Spiritual Scientists, Saints, and Masters who attained their consciousness expansion and enlightenment through Music and Meditation.

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