Music is the Universal Language!

“Music” – who is not aware of this word? Right from a mother’s lullaby to  a music maestro’s hum… Right from the sounds of rhythmic wind to the sounds of sprinkling rainy water…Any sound which is pleasing and rhythmic to hear is music!!

“Language” – In simple terms, it is a mode of expression of emotions, views, thoughts of all the living beings on the earth. It need not be only a verbal (spoken or written) form but can also be a nonverbal (sign language) form of expression.

“Universal Language” – One of the dictionary meanings of this term is Any kind of expression that is used and understood everywhere.

Everything in the world expresses in its own way. It depends on us to keenly observe, understand and perceive. Not only visual signs speak but also audio/sound signs speak. The horn of a vehicle, a school bell, the tick-tock of a clock …what not, everything speaks. The human mind can create wonders, no doubt!!

All the Nava rasa’s can be expressed through musical sounds. If we keenly observe the background music in any film or any visual program, the viewer first understands the situation in tune with the music… Might be for romance, comedy, fear, or happiness. The best example is the background score of news channels’ breaking news item :-p Not necessary to know the meanings of the dialogues!

Emotions can easily be expressed through music. Need not be a lyrical composition, just the play of musical notes that express emotions. In fact, it’s the strongest way to express. Thus music is set to tune with the lyrical expression and sometimes perfect lyrics set in the expression of tuned music.

I feel lyrics help in understanding and perceiving the true expression or emotion of a composer whereas in a nonlyrical composition,  to some extent the true emotion can be perceived and on the other hand it entirely depends on the emotional status, perception, and imagination of the listener.

Thus I opine – Yes, Music is the Universal Language !!! The language of the World !!! The language of God !!!Unknown at 10:24


Close your eyes. Just imagine the bluish long neck, small face with tiny round eyes and sharp beak, having its colorful tail opened in a half-circle backdrop, with a beautiful body and thin legs dancing in happiness knowing that the clouds in the sky are going to sprinkle water on to the earth.  Yes the beautiful Peacock, The National Bird of India, is really a lovely sight to see and imagine. It is closer to poets and artists than any other birds.
It is said that the sight or imagination of a peacock rejuvenates self-esteem levels!! While feeling blank or blue any time, just imagine a peacock and it puts you in a proper mood and you’ll really feel high.

The name peacock is generalized in usage. But the male one is called Peafowl and the female is Peahen. The male bird is good-looking, found in blue and green colors, has a long glittering tail. We can see many eye-shaped designs on its feathers. They are in fact called as eyes on their tail.  Whereas the female looks a bit ugly and dark grey in color. Peacocks prey on small plants, insects, snakes, etc.  
Peacock was given high importance spiritually in many cultures and religions. Mayura (Kannada) or nemali (Telugu) is associated with a number of Hindu Gods. It serves as a conveyance to Lord Kartikeya, Goddess Saraswati, and Goddess Kanya Kumari. We all are very familiar to see Lord Krishna beautifully depicted with a peacock feather on his crown.

 It is also said that this bird is the possessor of the most admired human characteristics. It symbolizes Nobility, Royalty,  Holiness, Guidance, Protection, Watchfulness, Glory, kindness, compassion, good luck, patience,  Vision, Awakening, Refinement, Immortality…
This graceful bird also has a great history in Asian, Greco – Roman, Babylonia, and Persian mythologies.
The peacock feathers are said to be the bearers of good luck, fortune, love, and positive energies. The ash of peacock feathers is used for healing the ill health of humans related to respiratory and sexual weakness problems.
One can see a peafowl dancing with its opened tail in anticipation of rain and to attract the peahen into courtship. These peahens are like those male partners who have a thick plumage.

Peacock is a sign of beauty (as it is beautiful) and knowledge (the hundred eyes on its feathers). With keen observation-only man acquires knowledge. So it shows Knowledge without love is lifeless.
There is something to talk about this bird in Astronomy. In the southern hemisphere, the Astronomers recognized a group of stars forming in a peacock pattern. It was named Pavo (Peacock)  Constellation. Spiritually, a peacock symbolizes rebirth and regeneration.

 The Alchemists treat the view of this bird as a good omen in their spiritual growth. In the five-stage process of an alchemist’s spiritual growth, the peacock omen is the third, crucial, and turning point stage. It signifies the entrance into the inner experience of the astral world and the next level of consciousness. 
Mmm.. my work is done now, to show my gratitude for this great omen. So, it’s your turn now!! 🙂